Thursday, August 4, 2011

I looked at my calendar, and it's finally hitting me. I leave in exactly four weeks! This is just too crazy. So much to do, so little time.

I'll definitely miss those days that I can just grab a couple of friends and head to an empty beach with no purpose or plan, but I'm sure that'll be Jade and I in Milan minus the beach thing. Haha. I finally got my boots and my coat in. The "coat" isn't necessarily a coat but more a sweater. I'm keeping because it will definitely be useful in the first couple of months while it's getting cold. Where can I find a coat in Hawai'i in the summer? All I can say is....I AM STOKED!

1 comment:

  1. you gals are super gorgeous!! <3
    ps. dont forget to enter my lil competition, promise you'll love ;) xx
