Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Bug bites and language barriers

Although Italy is AMAZING (I have no other words to describe it!), there have still been a couple of interesting situations. Haha. I have these incredibly huge bug bites: one on my arm, the others on my two legs. The one on my arm has swollen up to the size of a huge orange! It's not enjoyable at all, and I'm not sure what to do about it except ice it.

The language barrier makes it harder to communicate. I'm not sure why I wasn't expecting for it to be so hard, but this experience will definitely help me be more compassionate to those who don't speak my language. I've been trying to pick up Italian as quickly as possible, and the Italians who do know that we can't speak Italian are really helpful. Haha. I'm definitely learning a lot about everything!

But onto the AMAZING things....

We've been exploring our neighborhood. It's everything you think Italy would be! We've also made amazing new friends from all over the world: Brazil, France, Hungary just to name a few. They're awesome people and have definitely made the language barrier a lot easier.

Our school is beautiful. They have these gorgeous courtyards with the greenest grass I've ever seen. We've also found that for this Italian intensive course we're taking, we only have school on Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays. And for the regular semester classes, we don't have school on Fridays, so you know what that means....HAHA!

We also went to the Duomo the other day. We were supposed to meet up with some friends that day, but we couldn't find them when we got to our meeting place, so Jade and I decided to walk to the Duomo. It was amazing! When we turned the corner and saw it, we were speechless. We have nothing like that in Hawai'i. NOTHING! Haha.


1 comment:

  1. Oh god reading your blog makes me SICK

    Did you think that maybe it might be bed bugs? Are they super itchy?
